This service is offered to individual non-fiction writers who are interested in working one-on-one with Pamela to explore creative writing techniques and bring their work to fruition.
CREATIVE NON-FICTION WRITING GROUP – Personal Essay, Memoir, Family History
Join award-winning, widely published non-fiction author, Pamela Toutant in a stimulating and supportive environment where you will get helpful, personalized feedback on your writing and bring your work to fruition. Polish a piece you have tucked in a drawer, or create something fresh. Learn techniques from reading the masters and explore options for publication. Get help and support for developing and sticking to a writing schedule.
The personal essay combines a wide range of techniques to make personal stories compelling to a general audience. Primarily through the participants’ work, we will explore the use of voice, reflection, and dialogue, as well as other techniques that shape personal stories and make them resonate with the reader. There will be some time spent writing in the workshop sessions, and one short writing assignment. Most of the time will be focused on giving constructive and supportive feedback on participants’ manuscripts. Beginning and experienced writers welcome.
This workshop is for writers who already have a working knowledge and understanding of the personal essay genre. Designed to strengthen a wide range of skills and techniques including pacing, dialogue, structure and voice, this workshop will bring both more depth and polish to your personal stories. Some time will be spent writing in the workshop, discussing assigned reading by published authors, as well as completing one short writing assignment. Most of the time, however, will be spent giving constructive and supportive feedback on participants’ manuscripts with the goal of publication. To apply for the workshop, all applicants should submit a personal essay or excerpt of no more than five pages along with their registration form.